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7 Expert Tips To Handle Event Day Challenges

Yapsody Event Ticketing - Tips To Handle Event Day Challenges

No matter how long you’ve been in the event industry, event day jitters can affect even the best of us. Months of planning and organizing can still land your event in a soup if not handled with care. As a global event ticketing platform, our features are tailor-made to simplify your event creation, promotion, and ticket selling process. All of which have a binding effect on your event day. How to make the most of it? 

Here are 7 expert tips to handle your event day challenges

1. Not Sending Last-Minute Reminders

In the past, we’ve witnessed event presenters exceeding their audience expectations just because they communicated clearly and avoided last-minute doubts. Either through our event marketing tools or our MailChimp integration, event presenters add an additional layer of clarity. Sending out a reminder emailer or posting on social media one day prior to your event is a simple but overlooked strategy to handle your event day challenges. Learn more about 5 must-send emails to your event attendee.  

2. Trying To Micro-Manage 

We’ve seen plenty go wrong when one team member tries to micro-manage the entire event. If you’re the team leader, you cannot single-handedly take care of everything and then end up creating a mess. You should delegate tasks equally to your online and offline teams to avoid any last-minute troubles. With our user management feature, you should assign specific roles and permissions to each member based on their role for a hassle-free event day. 

3. Slow Check-In

Long queues can be frustrating while attending events no matter where you are in the world. An unavoidable part nonetheless, it’s your responsibility to streamline the security and check-in process. Make sure your security team is the first point of contact for your attendees which is followed by the ticket check-in. With our apps YapScan and YapStat, event presenters let their mobile devices do the hard work on the event day. 

4. Making Your VIPs Wait

Imagine being a VIP you’ve invited to your event only to be kept waiting in the queue. They’ve bought VIP tickets for a reason and that reason is to have a premium event experience from start to finish. Our Reserved Seating feature is meant for event presenters who want to hold special tickets for their VIPs or sponsors. Avoid event day hassles when it comes to selecting seats and sections for those who are paying a hefty ticket fee. 

5. Unannounced Guests

So your event marketing paid off and now you have more attendees than expected at your venue. Make sure you have enough seats and venue room to handle all the last-minute attendees before giving them a cramped up space. With our Multi-Currency support for both online and offline payment methods, accept any form of payment from your event attendees.

6. Questions Are Great, If You Know The Answers

Event day jitters also affects attendees with thousands of queries popping up in their mind. Can I pay for my ticket at the venue? How do I use my discount code? What time does the event end? Rest assured, we tackle each and every one of them with precision. Yapsody’s 24/7 customer support are the Jedi of solving event ticketing queries for both, the event presenter and the ticket buyer.

7. Caught In A Tight Spot

The universal rule in the event industry is to expect the unexpected. Maybe your keynote speaker caught the flu or your on-ground staff got stuck in traffic. Being an event organizer requires you to think in tight spots to avoid spoiling the event experience for your audience. Make sure you come prepared with a contingency plan A, B, and C that will be appreciated by your attendees in case a situation goes out of hand. 

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