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Effective Event Marketing Strategies For Theatres

Yapsody Event Ticketing - Marketing strategies to promote your theatre event

Be it Shakespeare’s Hamlet or Cinderella’s “The Little Glass Slipper”, live enactments are always entertaining to watch. A drama connects with the audience through emotions, makes them laugh, cry and have a great time. Luckily, you have multiple resources to market your theatre event these days. 

The world is your stage with our event ticketing elements working behind the scenes to pull off the perfect picture.

Check out our Event Ticketing Features Most Suited For Theater Events.

Here Are 7 Effective Ways to Effectively Promote Your Theatre Events

1. Create Buzz Through Social Media

A full house on the first night of your drama is every event presenter’s dream. To achieve it, start by creating a buzz about your drama on social media. Create a small video introducing the performers of your drama and add it to Instagram Reels and Facebook stories. or, simply create a teaser as they do it for movies. 

Roll out contests, offer freebies and discounted tickets using our discount feature. You can propagate the same video on multiple platforms through multiple formats and reach out to new audiences.

2. Create SEO-Friendly Event Pages

Our feature – SEO for events makes finding all the information about your shows easy. To ensure your theatre events show up on the top results, you need to optimize the event content to be displayed when your target audience is looking for upcoming theatre events. 

The three main SEO parameters to focus on are the title, the meta description, and the content. To get displayed on the first page of search engine results, you need to deploy certain best practices and optimized usage of relevant keywords. 

3. Opt For Storytelling Through Emails

If your event has a unique storyline, go on and promote it using our email marketing integration where you can personalize your email storytelling and schedule them to be sent out. Also, send out your performance-related details in the form of an invite to your attendees.

Connect with your subscriber base with a background story of your act to create an aura of excitement that will surely lure them to visit your theatre and witness the magic.

4. Blog About Your Shows

Blogs are great for giving your audience an idea about the artists and what your drama is all about. If you want to attract more attendees, you could either write your own blog about what the performances offer the audience. You can also have a professional blogger to cover the artists and a little history about your venue. 

5. Go Old School With Flyers

Despite digitalization, there is still room for traditional methods of promotion due to their effectiveness. If you have multiple performances lined up, you can give out informative flyers of the theatre event at the end of the current event. 

Before you give out flyers, remember not to use a blanket approach. If you’re hosting a romantic drama and your target audience is between the age group of 18 to 45, you can give out flyers outside the college, theatres, and cafes. To ensure your flyers don’t end up in the trash, you can mention a coupon code that your attendees can use while booking the tickets online.

6. Draw Attention With Banners

Do you want the occasional attendees to become regulars at your theatre? Get their attention through banners as they are large and easily visible to people while traveling to work or going shopping. 

Place banners of the performance across the city on public transport like buses, trains, and metros so people see it everywhere. You can also play your teaser trailers on the big screens of the skyscrapers highlighting the storyline of your drama.

7. Radio Jingles All The Way

People listen to the radio while traveling to the office, gyming, or during a jog. An interview with the director and the artists of drama on air before the actual event can make a lot of difference to your sales numbers. Alternatively, you can go for radio jingle ads as they are very effective in attracting new attendees. The radio jockeys know exactly how to create excitement and get potential attendees to watch your drama.

Inspired to take your event marketing for theatres to the next level? Sign Up with us now to avail the best-in-class features that will guarantee a memorable experience.

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