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9 Party Games for Christmas: Adult Edition

Christmas Party For Adults

Party games bring life while celebrating the Christmas season to bond with family or mingle with people you meet for the first time. But do you often find yourself bored with the same old party games for kids such as Christmas Charades and Secret Santa year after year? 

Well, we didn’t find a rulebook that said we have to play the same games as grown-ups. So, here are 9 Christmas party games: The Adults Edition which you can enjoy after hours.

1. Goose & The Egg

What You Need

No, you don’t need a goose. Your favourite liquor, plastic eggs, shot glasses, and good company.

How To Play

A team will consist of 2 members and each team gets a basket full of eggs. Label every egg with the name of the liquor your friends will consume. The game begins with the first person balancing the egg between their knees and waddling it to the other side of the room to drop the egg on the plate. 

Their partner will drink the shot every time the egg is dropped on the plate. The first person returns to the start point and continues until either all the eggs are dropped or till a minute is complete. The team with the maximum number of eggs is the winner. Ensure all the shots are ready before the game begins.

2. Stack The Marshmallow

What You Need

A plate, a bag full of marshmallows, and a handful of patience.

How To Play

Each team will have 2 members, one will be the instructor while the other will be blindfolded to arrange the marshmallows in a stack. Each team needs to make 3 marshmallow mountains with as many marshmallows as possible. 

Give them a minute to complete the task and extend it by another 15 secs to give them that extra leeway. The team with the maximum number of marshmallows wins. 

3. Place The Nose

What You Need

A big red nose and a printed image of your best friend’s face.

How To Play:

You can have multiple teams where 1 member from each team will place the nose on the photo while blindfolded. The rest of the team has to guide him with directions to place the nose. Quite a funny spectacle.

4. How Many Do You Have?

What You Need

 At least 2 boxes of Christmas ornaments, 1 plate per box and 1 candy cane per box.

How To Play

Create 2 or more teams. 1 player per team will pick the ornaments and place them on the plate using their mouth. They need to hook it up with the thread from the ornament to place it on the plate. One with the maximum number of ornaments within a minute wins the game. Any player who uses their hand gets disqualified.

5. Candy Race

What You Need

A spoon and a lot of candies.

How To Play

Have 5 players stand in a line for a race with candies placed on the spoon held in their mouth. On the count of 3, they need to run holding the spoon with their teeth from the start to the end without dropping the candy. If you have a large space, you can have partners for every player in this game. They run halfway and pass the candy to the partner’s spoon. The partner has to continue the race until the finish line. The team reaching the finish line first is the winner.

6. Aim The Bottle

What You Need

A hard and straight candy stick, a bottle, small pieces of paper to write your friend’s name, string, and a bowl.

How To Play 

Write the names of your friends on small pieces of paper and shuffle them in a bowl. Pick one name every time you want a person to play the game. Tie a string around the hard candy stick and the other end around the player’s waist from the back to the knee. Players need to aim at the bottle and place the candy in the bottle in less than a minute. Whoever does it the fastest wins the game.

7. True Lies

What You Need

5 to 6 friends and a round table

How To Play

Each person has to talk about their 3 worst gifts or Christmas experiences and let your friends guess which story is fake. The one who guesses the fake story is the winner.

8. Take A Shot

What You Need

Shot glasses, different types of liquor, or top-shelf alcoholic beverages. 

How To Play

Sit around in a circle and share a funny experience or make up stories. Choose a particular word, for example, Christmas or Merry, and take a shot when someone says the word.

9. Spin The Elf

What You Need

A figure of an elf (instead of a bottle), a bowl, paper notes with tasks/dares

How To Play

Write down some wild and naughty thoughts or dares you’d want your friends to try on paper and place it in the bowl. Your dares can include things like – what is your darkest fear, describe the most awkward thing that happened or most awkward date or what would you do if you were the opposite sex for a month? You begin the game by spinning the elf. The person whom the elf is pointing to has to pick the paper note from the bowl and answer the questions.

We hope these adult party ideas surely make your Christmas a merry one with your friends and special ones. Using our Christmas event ticketing platform, you can create & manage events, price your tickets, market your events, and brand them according to your choice. Sign up now.

For more Christmas-related tips and resources look no further than Yapsody.

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