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How To Sell More Tickets To Your Events

Maximize your event's success, Unleash the power of effective ticket sales strategies - Yapsody Event Ticketing - How To Sell More Tickets To Your Events

If, being an event presenter, the fact that the success of your event is directly proportional to the number of tickets you sell manages to shock you, you’re just not deep enough into the profession. In fact, you’re not even close to being a pro. At the same time, if you think making people buy your tickets is going to cost you a lot of promotion and marketing money, you need to pack your desk and find another job because selling more tickets can not only be cheap, it can be downright free if you try these methods:

  1. With over 1.49 billion active monthly users, Facebook houses practically everyone. So, you have the entire world for your audience. For the cherry on top, Facebook offers event pages and other strategies to reach out to your target audience using features that are either extremely cheap, or completely free.
  2. And since we are talking about free, who doesn’t like discounts? From a customer perspective, it’s a tendency to buy anything that comes with an alleged discount or freebies. Early bird discounts and word to mouth deals are the no-risk classics, but you could also try other offers that guarantee maximum participation.
  3. A hashtag is the easiest way to create a #buzz. Create a crisp hashtag and use it everywhere, including the website you’re selling tickets on. It’ll register your event in the minds of your potential attendees and serve as a gateway when they want to actually register.
  4. Getting them interested is the step second to grabbing their eyeballs. Your landing page should have one amazing image or teaser that gives the general idea about your event and aims at captivating the hearts of the audience. If you get them excited about the event, nothing can stop them from buying the tickets. Basically, show them what their money is worth.
  5. Once you have their attention, tell them the finer details of what all they’re getting with their tickets. Wherever you’re selling your tickets, make sure the important details and descriptions of your event are available to the customers. Learn How To Write An Event Description? Top 6 Steps To Follow
  6. Use Yapsody’s social media widgets to share your events directly on your Facebook and Twitter once you’ve put them up on your Yapsody webpage. This will make sure your customers are updated about your events without delays.
  7. Seek local media’s attention. Find bloggers, journalists, or shows that are related to the theme of your event or your industry, and request them to mention your event on their platforms. Give them the important details about your event — the what, where, when, and how — so that if their followers are interested, it’ll be easier for them to reach you.
  8. Set your ticket prices wisely. Make sure the prices are worth whatever your event is offering them. At the same time, don’t keep it too low or you may come off as unworthy.
  9. Your ticketing websites are only meant to provide you a platform to sell tickets, so relying on them to also promote your event effectively would be foolishness. You know your audience better than anyone else, hence, your strategies are bound to work out. Also, emails from a ticketing service may also be regarded as spam by your customers.
  10. Yapsody offers you 24/7 help through email and live chat. Apart from that, our FAQ section, Support section, and blogs will help you optimize your promotional strategies in order to make your event a success. We can definitely get you all the ingredients you need, but coming up with the master dish is your act. And we trust our presenters to be amazing cooks that way!

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