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What Works Best – Online vs. Offline Ticketing?

Virtual Box Office

As an event organizer, it’s hard not to get stuck with an age-old question loop of online ticketing or offline ticketing? Should I sell out my live music event tickets online? Or should I save some tickets to be sold at the venue? Being in the event ticketing industry for decades, we can safely say that online ticketing takes the cake in selling out tickets faster but offline ticketing is not far behind.

From Stalls To Servers

Gone are the days of setting up stalls and booking windows to sell your event tickets at the box office. Now, all you need is a computer and a working internet connection to get all your event ticketing done right at your fingertips. Plus, you won’t have to deal with angry ticket buyers as you put up a “Sorry, We Are Closed” sign. With our Online Ticket Store, venues such as casinos, clubs, and theatres are profiting really well from migrating into an online event ticketing system. If it’s a high volume, tech-savvy audience that you cater to, don’t think twice before switching over to online ticketing.

Right There, Right Then

With an online ticket store, you can add discounts, surcharges, and taxes to your events, sitting right there with a coffee mug staring at your laptop skin – not to mention, collecting the ticket sales in your local currency while dealing in your local language too! Could it get any simpler? It can.

With our Virtual Box Office in place, your physical ticketing takes a swifter route by automating the issuing and printing of tickets and is perfect for those venues and events like clubs, cafes, festivals, and live concerts where guests might pop up unannounced. You can neither say no nor drive away extra ticket sales, right? Imagine extra money just walking straight to your door and your on-ground team turning them going all “We don’t accept cash and credit”

Our virtual box office makes physical ticketing at your venue a breeze. Sell event tickets online, instantly view stats, offer discounts and refunds, generate custom tickets, accept payment all with the click of a few buttons. As they say, old school never dies.

Still uncertain about what your event and venue needs?

Sign Up Here to use our Online Ticket Store and Virtual Box Office to power your online and offline ticketing simultaneously.

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